
My feedback

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  1. 49 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  2. 48 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  3. 49 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  4. 80 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  5. 27 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  6. 24 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  7. 5 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  8. 23 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  9. 28 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  10. 3 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  11. 69 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  12. 317 votes
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    This suggestion is under consideration by the Product Team for future development, however, it is not on our roadmap. Please share additional feedback and use cases to help us understand the importance of this release.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    We are using Box to collaborate and share files with many people and organisations outside our business. We need a report that will allow us to identify each Collaborator, Who invited the collaborator, which Folders and Files they have access to and the date of their last activities. Ideally we would like to be able to export this to Excel for further analysis, investigation and action.

    It concerns me that we do not have the tools to effectively manage the sharing of data outside the organisation.

  13. 17 votes
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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    Thank you for the use case! Because there are a few ways to remove collaborators, it is unlikely we will prioritize this in our roadmap.

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Anonymous commented  · 

    The ability to auto-expire collaborators after a period of inactivity within our environment would significantly reduce the risk of data loss and enhance the management of collaborators. External companies would rarely, if ever, inform us of when a person whom we had collaborated with left their organisation - so auto-expiry on inactivity would be a significant improvement.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  14. 18 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  15. 70 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Anonymous commented  · 

    I believe there are 3 basic problems that need resolving with Trash.

    1. The Folder Path needs to be clearly identified for both deleted Folders and deleted Files

    2. If a Folder has been deleted then it should be possible to drill into the contents of the folder to determine whether it contains the required file(s) prior to a restore of the entire Folder or allowing restore of an individual File from within the Folder.

    3. It should be possible to restore Folders and/or Files to a location other than their original parent location

    I agree with the points made by Mike Westley on having the ability to sort and filter by the Folder Path.

    I would add that a sort by Folder/File Name would also be useful rather than just "Relevance" (the logic of which is not obvious) or "Updated"

  16. 31 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  17. 8 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  18. 15 votes
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    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Anonymous commented  · 

    As advised by Box Consulting all of our content is owned by an Admin user, which makes finding missing Folders/Files for a specific user almost impossible amongst the thousands of legitimate events.

    A report that allows an Admin to locate any Folders or Files that have been moved or deleted (by any user) but to which a chosen user had access would be very useful. We regularly get requests from our user base saying "My Folder or File has disappeared, I need it back" unfortunately they don't know when it disappeared, where it has gone (moved elsewhere or trashed) or who did it and neither do the Box Admins!!

    Our lack of ability to quickly and effectively locate these missing Folders/Files and to identify who "did it" undermines user confidence in the the Box system.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  19. 2 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  20. 15 votes
    How important is this to you?
    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
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