Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol

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  1. 1 vote
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  2. 1 vote
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  3. 2 votes
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  4. 25 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    I generally agree with this opinion,
    Copying or moving to an external folder should remain a target for mass download detection.

  5. 8 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    I agree with this idea.
    In recent years, there has been a growing demand for this improvement as CASB products have made it possible to identify and control only the act of uploading.

    For example, it would be possible to “limit uploads to 1MB or issue a warning dialog for uploads to folders invited by other companies.
    Even with the current specification, it is possible to control logins to other companies by setting “prohibit * and allow,” but controlling logins alone is not sufficient.
    It is not possible to achieve the “state that identifies and automatically controls the taking out of data to other companies” that many companies desire.
    This is still not possible even with Box Shield's classification labels.
    See also Pulse below.

    Even if it is a paid option, could you please implement a function to “provide the subdomain privately”?
    Ideally, not only uploading, but also copying and moving operations should go through this connection.

  6. 1 vote
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  7. 19 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
  8. 19 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
  9. 1 vote
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  10. 4 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    I would like to be able to expand the upper limit on the number of versions that can be set in the management console to around 2000 to 3000.

    When you subscribe to Box Governance, you can choose between unlimited file versions or 1-100 versions.

    I'm currently using Unlimited, but I sometimes find that operations with files that have many versions (such as restoring from the Recycle Bin) are slow.
    Each file version has its own ID and is tied to the original file, so I don't think this is just my imagination but a possible mechanism.

    Therefore, I would like to set an upper limit.
    100 is too low, so I would like you to expand the upper limit.
    The desired value is up to several thousand versions.



    Box Governanceに加入すると、ファイルのバージョン数を無制限にするか、1~100バージョンにするかを選択できます。



    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  11. 1 vote
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    I want to make it mandatory for each user to accept an invitation when receiving an invitation in administrator settings.





    外部から受ける招待は、Box Governanceのコラボレーションのホワイトリストで制限できるが、これは設定したくない。



    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  12. 6 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
  13. 37 votes
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    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
  14. 16 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    Attached is a link to a document that illustrates this request.
    *The link may be closed in the future for our convenience.

    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  15. 3 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    We have confirmed that this behavior was resolved on August 9, 2024.
    Thank you for your correspondence.

    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  16. 3 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  17. 34 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
  18. 2 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
  19. 7 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    I second this request.
    Just on all preview screens, not just PDFs,
    I would like the user to be able to hide the toolbar.

    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
  20. 21 votes
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol supported this idea  · 
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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 

    【Reply to comment on Dec. 15 ,2021】

    Yes, I agree with you.
    This request is "a system that can determine the source of access", but what is more important in actual information security is "the ability to restrict the source of access".

    And I was posting the following Pulse as a mechanism for this purpose.

    If you would like to vote for this request, I would appreciate it if you could vote for this request as well.
    Note that the above Pulse assumes that the user issuing the shared link, not the administrator, specifies the domain list or email address of the OTP destination.

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    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented  · 




    (3) ワンタイムパスワードの入力を求められます。
    (4) 正しいワンタイムパスワードを入力すると、オープンリンクを開くことができます。

    セキュアなオープンリンク② - オープンリンクのDomainホワイトリスト

    Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol shared this idea  · 
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