I want the ability to add comments to the version history
Now in the version history you will find the version number (for example: V1,V2...) is currently listed in the version history, the version number (for example: V1, V2...).
We check the contents of V1, V2... in the preview and restore the version.
However, as the number of versions increases, it is difficult to find the exact version you need, so please add the ability to add a simple note in addition to the version number.
現在バージョン履歴では、バージョンナンバー(for example:V1,V2...)が記載されています。

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
To contribute with our view on that: On some files we are continuously working, for example on power points. It is highly needed to add a comment for a certain version. For example for v203 I would add "shown in week 33 stand-up" and for v231 I would add "shown in week 38 stand-up". This would enable me to find a certain version I showed on a certain occasion.