Push the recommended Hub
In Box Hubs, we would like to have the ability to push high priority Hubs from the admin side.
Currently, users have to click on the "Box Hubs" tab from the left side of the screen to get to each Hub.
The name "Box Hubs" is not intuitive to the average user, so they almost never access it.
This is the same as the "feeds" that were discontinued in beta.
On the other hand, we would like to have the ability to push Hub recommendations to all managed users or specified gruop.
Specifically, we have the following suggestions
(1) Display the Hubs specified by the administrator in the menu on the left side of the screen. (Please avoid the specification that you have to click "▽", as in the case of collections.)
(2) Thumbnail display of recommended Hubs in the place where "Recently accessed files" is currently displayed as thumbnails.
If the names or thumbnails of specific Hubs, such as "Box Operation Manual" or "Company Regulations," are displayed in such a manner, the possibility of access will increase dramatically, and the value of using Hubs will be maximized.