My feedback
24 results found
99 votes
Due to other higher priority items, this has been deprioritized.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous supported this idea ·
10 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
2 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
10 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
From a security / access point of view, it would be very helpful to see who has been invited to collaborate (view or edit) to a Hub, without having to navigate to one of the shared folders to find this out.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
10 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
81 votes
Hello, unfortunately this is not on our roadmap at this time. Please feel free to continue leaving feedback and comments, as we may consider this again in the future.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
411 votes
We understand the request, but unfortunately this is not on the near-term roadmap.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This feature is really needed. Currently there is no option to restrict edit access to a subfolder within a project file without moving it to a different folder, which messes up with our records management policy relating to saving files in the designated project file.
Even Sharepoint offers this function and whilst I am struggling to convince management that Box is a preferable option to Sharepoint for our files, issues like this are making it difficult to win the argument.An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This feature is really needed. Currently there is no option to restrict edit access to a subfolder within a project file without moving it to a different folder, which messes up with our records management policy relating to saving files in the designated project file.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
as commented below, we are using BOX for our project filing and if external collaborators have access to the Shared folder in multiple project files, we then have to add the project number and title to every shared folder so they know what it is for, thereby extending the file path and causing problems on Box Drive.
It would be a lot easier if we could add collaborators to the parent folder and restrict access to relevant folders within, so they could see the file structure.Anonymous supported this idea ·
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
the default option really should be Viewer/Uploader. It is way too risky to have Editor as the default- I can remind my colleagues until I'm blue in the face to only give Editor access to externals if absolutely neccessary, however whilst that remains the default it keeps happening all the time.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
8 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
37 votes
At this point, there is no short to medium-term plan to extend File Request to accept folder uploads. Please continue to upvote/add feedback so we are able to revisit the prioritization at a later time. Thanks!
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This would be so useful if folder uploads could be enabled. I am trying to encourage our external collaborators to upload to our Box folders rather than use other 3rd party file transfer services, but the nature of documents we receive tend to be in folders and sub-folders. This feature is great otherwise, as it allows greater security and collaborators don't need to set up an account for one-off transactions.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
19 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This is much needed. I need to be able to see the entire content of a set of folders, without going into every subfolder. In Windows Explorer I would do this using a wildcard search (*), which unfortunately doesn't work within Box or Box Drive.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
25 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
99 votes
This is a feature we would love to get to, but unfortunately it is not on our short term roadmap. Please continue adding your feedback!
Anonymous supported this idea ·
337 votes
We are currently not planning to implement this feature and will continue to prevent all Box Drive results from appearing in Explorer/Finder searches.
Box Drive does not download the all of the metadata (File name, folder structure, etc.) of your Box content. Instead, it is downloaded on demand and then evicted when it is no longer relevant. This eviction process is not visible to users and it is not easily predictable. This would cause the search results in Explorer/Finder to be inconsistent for users – sometimes they would find a file and other times they may not if the metadata and file were evicted.
We have chosen not to download all of the metadata (and then keep it up to date with changes) as this can result in a large performance, storage and bandwidth tax which is not scalable – especially in environments where users interface with millions of files/folders.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
13 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
2 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
54 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
26 votes
Due to other higher priorities, we are not considering this item at this time.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
This would be really useful for me when transferring a completed project file to archive, I currently have to navigate down to all sub-folders to remove collaborators and its a risk to the security of our information by not having a simple way to do this.