Add support for multiple users on the same device/workstation to use Box Drive in their user profiles

Anonymous commented
Just consisting to use box for moving a company from Gdrive to box. Having just one box account registered at the time is simply a blocker to move over . Especially as the concepts of Vic is asking users to register accounts while receiving shared documents. How this ever can work with the different persona everybody has in his devices today. At least we have a personal account and a company account shared on one device , specially mobile . Not to mention contractor relationships etc. this all works ok with one drive or gdrive but not with
Anonymous commented
I totally agree. I can't change the folder for User B after installing Box Sync on User A, where I could change the folder during installation. User B will have download the same files into the default users folder. Sounds like structural bug , sold as a feature ;-)
Anonymous commented
More than a year latter still the same huge problem. Please fix!
Anonymous commented
this functionilty is critical for the VM envirorment we run. please consider working on this
Anonymous commented
I agree with the other comments posted. This seems like a major oversight.
Bonnie Plakos commented
Not supporting this is a very weak point in Box Drive. We have a shared computer at our fire station used by multiple firefighters. To appropriately manage security they have different windows user logins. Not being able to have separate access to Box Drive is awkward, if somebody forgets to "sign out" of Box and someone else wants in, the system has to be rebooted.
Anonymous commented
"We MUST allow for multiple users to use Box Drive in order to drive adoption of the use of Box. Our project runs the risk of failing and our users falling back to a file share or worse - emailing back and forth - if we can't get this to work."
I support Joel's statement 100%. We have workstations in our warehouse and Production facility that are shared by multiple users. Two separate shifts from 6:00am to 10:00pm use these computers to maintain production runs. Now that we've migrated to Box they can no longer use these business-critical files unless they log out of box every time they need to switch users. Unacceptable! So, now we're back into using the local file server shares - the very problematic reason we migrated to Box. Help!
Anonymous commented
Yes, this seems like a no brainer. We have three windows users on our home computer. This is the only way to maintain security across personal files. I'm the only one with a Box account, but I hate having to restart my computer to get access to my Box files, and sometimes that doesn't even seem to work. Dropbox has no problem with this at all. Nor does Google Drive. We have three Dropbox accounts on the home computer, and each user has access to their Dropbox files when they login, even if all three are logged in. So, why do I use Box then, because my university gives me free, unlimited space on Box. If I had to pay for it, I would not even consider Box. You are certainly losing customers over this.
Joel Boymel commented
We have approximately a 2 to 1 ratio of users to computers. Our users spend most of their time away from their workstations, so any available workstation must be available to any user. Humans being what they are, people rarely log out before leaving.
We MUST allow for multiple users to use Box Drive in order to drive adoption of the use of Box. Our project runs the risk of failing and our users falling back to a file share or worse - emailing back and forth - if we can't get this to work.
Please give an ETA on getting this VERY IMPORTANT feature running.
Joseph Hillenburg commented
Box Sync needs to allow for multiple Box users on a single computer, each with their own separate Box ID. It is the one big missing feature, which almost all other competing clients have, even though the Box Sync client is otherwise much better than the rest of the clients.