Allow folders to be uploaded with File Request
File Request is a helpful feature, but often isn't useful as most external parties want to share folders (including sub folders) of documents with us. Can a feature be added to allow folders to be shared as part of File Request - perhaps renamed to Folder/File Request?

At this point, there is no short to medium-term plan to extend File Request to accept folder uploads. Please continue to upvote/add feedback so we are able to revisit the prioritization at a later time. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
I've just moved over from Dropbox where I've been receiving file requests with folders from my clients for years. I've always encouraged them to send folders and actually sent out about 30 emails to clients last week reminding them to send folders, only to now find out it's weirdly not supported by Box
By forcing clients to send files without folders it basically means we get them in a big unorganised mess. Such a shame that Box doesn't support this!
Anonymous commented
Guess I'll just use DropBox! They have this feature
Anonymous commented
Interested in this feature. I use file request to gather thousands of files from clients who have already pre-sorted the documents into folders. Allowing clients to upload folders would significantly improve workflow.
Anonymous commented
That would be great!
Michael Miller commented
Must have feature :)
Anonymous commented
This would be so useful if folder uploads could be enabled. I am trying to encourage our external collaborators to upload to our Box folders rather than use other 3rd party file transfer services, but the nature of documents we receive tend to be in folders and sub-folders. This feature is great otherwise, as it allows greater security and collaborators don't need to set up an account for one-off transactions.