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666 results found

  1. Allow embed links to Box Hubs

    Box Hubs would be much more useful if we could embed them onto our Intranet pages and such.

    14 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
  2. Hubs does not support hyperlink

    Currently Box Hubs (Beta) does not support hyperlink, so if an editor add an URL in a site, the URL is displayed as just a text.
    Could you consider support of hyperlink?

    11 votes
    delivered  ·  2 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
  3. Display a list of Hubs on the home page

    I'd like to be able to display the Hubs list as a homepage, similar to Favorites and My Collections.

    in Japanese

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
  4. I want to be able to include helpful links in a Box Hub

    It would be very helpful to be able to include helpful links to other apps or websites we use in a Hub. For example, if we created an induction hub for new staff to include reference and training material, we could also include links to all our operational apps (like expenses, timekeeping, project management etc)

    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →

    Users are able to paste a URL directly into a paragraph block or highlight text and a paste a URL into the highlighted text.

  5. Box Hub Please

    When will this be released to allow Hub external users? I purchased Box for this capability and then found out after it was not available yet.

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
  6. Need to fix the login behavior of the Teams desktop app.

    When accessing a Box folder from the Teams desktop app, we will be prompted to log in to Box every time Teams is restarted.
    However, in the browser version, if we have logged in once, it will not be requested.
    Therefore, we would like you to improve the desktop app version of Teams so that it does not require us to log in to Box every time.


    37 votes
  7. Easily reset the context window

    While you remain in the "chat," it appears from our testing that the prior prompts and responses remain in the context window and are used in formulating later responses, which may or may not be desired capability.
    Sometimes you need to start fresh, and currently the way to do this appears to be to close the document window or Hub, losing your history.
    It would be nice to be able to start a new chat, ignoring/resetting prior context, with a click.

    2 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Box AI  ·  Admin →
  8. Inline citations for AI responses.

    It appears that Box provides 5 citations from the Hub content for almost any prompt to a Box Hub. Sometimes they're duplicated.
    But users are unable to determine what parts of the response were produced from each citation. Further, im my testing I have often been unable to find any actual content from the cited document in the response.
    Inline citations within the response are critical to validate citations.

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
  9. Hubs - Rich Text Editor Improvements

    Font sizes in Paragraph feature often not saving properly and saving frequently is a necessity to ensure that progress is not lost.

    4 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
  10. External references between Excel files saved in Box by URL.

    In Excel saved in SharePoint, the URL can be used to refer to the value of a cell in the other Excel file.
    We would like a similar functionality in Box.
    For example, if the file ID is "1234567890" and we want to refer to cell A1 of "sheet1", do the following.
    ex) ='https://****[sheet1]'!A1

    49 votes
  11. Grid View - Bring Back The Slider (adjusts the image size previews in Grid View)

    Recent changes to the Grid View noted here,, have removed a key feature that had become part of my companies workflows.

    Prior to this update, the Grid View had an slider next to the button we use to toggle between the Grid and List views. Today, that slider is gone.

    Now the ONLY way to view the Grid is as thumbnails. My company of 500+ uses Box daily and a BIG part of our workflows relies on this feature. We never imagined this would be removed and it is causing us to discuss alternative options. We are an…

    67 votes
    28 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →

    The grid view slider has been released on April 24. Please make sure to leave feedback if you have any pain points or problems you would like for Box to solve.

  12. Ability to configure Part 11 Signing Reasons

    Currently the signer is presented with default signing reasons under Part 11 as below:

    a) I read and approve this document
    b) I read and agree to this document
    c) I read and authored this document

    However, customers who activate Part 11 configuration should have the ability to add or remove or customize signing reasons for Signers to select.

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
  13. When a document is accessed in Box Sign on a phone, the document thumbnail that is displayed is zoomed out fully, which makes it difficult

    Would love to see improved mobile display/interface when accessing documents to sign on a phone. When a document is viewed for signing on a mobile device the document that displays is zoomed out fully. On a phone, the zoom is challenging to navigate and it's hard to select the fields to complete for signing.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
  14. Ability to manage suppression lists

    Administrator not able monitor and allow to release own User from Suppression List is a big not good (Cause we won’t know if anyone being accidentally suppress. Till next time User alert and we check to email Spam, check external Mail Security than last check to BOX). When User being capture and put under Suppression List can the system send Administrator notification message and preview and/or release; instead log case check to BOX Support??!

    204 votes

    We are excited to introduce Suppression List Management for Administrator, a solution designed to streamline the process of handling suppression lists with ease.


    Previously, customers had to reach out to Product Support to solve the problem with Notification delivery. With this new feature, Box Administrators can remove Users from the Suppression List without the need to contact the Box Support team. This feature will be available in the Admin Console under the Notification tab.

  15. External User Activity

    Can we get a report of external users and their activity (ie, how many times they've logged in, more importantly, the last time they logged in, etc)? We can do this for internal users but not external users.

    6 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Admin Reports  ·  Admin →
  16. Unify behavior when creating shared links.

    Box Canvas files in folders with the 'Only folder owners and co-owners can send collaborator invites' setting enabled cannot create a shared link using the 'Share' button at the top right of the edit screen if you have Editor and Viewer Uploader permissions. ('Share' button is grayed out.)
    Editor and Viewer Uploader users need to create a shared link from the file listing screen.

    However, Office files and Box Notes in the same folder can create a shared link using the 'Share' button on the Preview and Edit screens.
    It is confusing for users if only Box Canvas files behave…

    16 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Box Canvas  ·  Admin →
  17. PDF & PNG Export for Canvas

    When finalizing a session using visual collaboration, it's often required to export the end product to be able to share with non-Box users, and possibly to upload as attachment to other applications. A PDF (possibly PNG) export feature would be great additions.

    54 votes
    3 comments  ·  Box Canvas  ·  Admin →
  18. Group/User based app access control

    Ability to control access to each apps based on groups and users.

    Requesting in addition to below pulse, as Admin Console currently only allows enterprise wide setting for each app access control.

    71 votes

    Dear Customers,

    In the context of this feature request, we are excited to announce that it is now also possible to selectively enable integration apps to particular managed users and groups.


    More information is available in our published announcement.

    We will be happy to hear your feedback, also at an upcoming Box Community Roundtable on October 24th (register here).

    Thank you,

    Box Partner Integrations Team

  19. I want to maintain my Box login with Box for Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams (app) does not require you to log in to Microsoft even if you restart your PC.
    Even if you add the app Lucidchart to Microsoft Teams (app) and log in, you do not need to log in after restarting your PC.
    Box requires you to log in every time you restart your PC.
    Is it possible to stay logged in?

    Microsoft Teams(アプリ)はPCを再起動してもMicrosoftへのログインは不要です。
    Microsoft Teams(アプリ)にアプリLucidchartを追加してログインした場合も、PCを再起動した後のログインは不要です。

    2 votes
  20. Filter "In Progress" Box Sign Requests that are currently pending my signature.

    Ability from Filters for Box Sign Request to select ones that are currently pending my signature at that time.

    5 votes
    2 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →

    We're pleased to announce that the improvement you voted for has been released. You can now use the 'Status' filter for 'Sent Requests', 'Shared with Me' and 'Inbox' tabs within Box Sign.

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