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44 results found

  1. Increased file limit for Box AI for Hubs

    Currently, Box AI for Hubs is limited to 10,000 files per hub and 1,000,000 files combined across all hubs in an tenant.
    For use cases such as distributing hubs on a departmental basis, this number is low, so we would like the limit to be relaxed.

    Box AI for Hubsのファイル数制限を緩和してほしい

    現在Box AI for Hubsを利用するには、1つのHubで10,000ファイル、テナント内すべてのHubで合計1,000,000ファイルまでが上限となっています。

    27 votes
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  2. Exclude Specific Content from Box AI

    As a law firm we need to segregate certain client data from the ability to use Box AI due to legal agreements in place with their clients to not be able to use AI on their data. Currently we would need to turn off Box AI on the whole account in order to achieve this requirement, which is not ideal.

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  3. I would like the restrictions on Box AI to be lifted or reduced.

    It's great that the Box AI query limit has been lifted.
    Next, we would like to see the following three limits lifted or reduced.
    ・Limited to 1,000 characters per question
    ・Text content size limit is 1MB, with larger files only processing the first 1MB of text
    ・Non-English languages may produce lower quality results

    Of course, we would also like to see the accuracy of the AI ​​improved. (Especially Bax AI for Hubs)

    23 votes
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  4. Feature to Search Including Past Versions with Box AI

    Box AI for Document can only provide answers from the latest version of the stored content.
    For example, if someone other than yourself updates a document you created the previous day, you would need to manually open each version of the file and visually check for changes, which is time-consuming and may lead to missing unnoticed changes. It would be convenient if Box AI could extract only the sections with changes by comparing with past versions.

    We would like to see an enhancement in the AI's capabilities to retrieve data from past histories and provide answers.
    In that case, it…

    4 votes
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  5. BoxAI includes the contents of the shared link in the answer

    When asking a question on BoxAI, please include the contents of the file to which the shared link is directed in your answer.

    (in Japanese)

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  6. About the accuracy of Box AI for Hubs

    I'm trying out the beta version of Box AI for Hubs.
    I expected this feature to be able to combine information from multiple documents within Hubs to generate an answer.
    However, at the moment, even though there is relevant information in the documentation within Hubs, only general answers are returned, and no satisfactory answers have been obtained.
    As it is, it would be difficult to deploy it internally, so we would like to see further improvements in the accuracy of AI.
    Please note that all content is written in Japanese.

    17 votes
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  7. Want to be able to specify the number of times each user uses BoxAI

    Want to be able to specify the number of times each user uses BoxAI

    Box AI can currently limit the number of users who use it, but it is not possible to limit the number of times it can be used.
    This is very inconvenient. I would like to be able to specify users who can only use Box AI up to 20 times, or specify users who can use Box AI more than 20 times.


    Box AIは、現状利用するユーザーを制限することはできますが、利用回数を制限することが出来ません。
    これは非常に不便です。20回までしかBox AIを利用出来ないユーザーを指定、または20回以上利用出来るユーザーを指定出来るようにしたいです。

    43 votes
    researching  ·  0 comments  ·  Box AI  ·  Admin →
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  8. Extending the number of characters for AI execution to documents stored in Box

    I want AI to scan the entire document in Box.
    If I ask you to create a talk script for a document stored in Box, it will only scan 10,000 byte characters. At least, I hope that the target number of characters for AI to be executed on the document itself will be expanded.

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  9. Comment on the knowledge cutoff date when it answers from general knowledge

    I would like BoxAI to comment on the knowledge cutoff date when it answers from general knowledge. For example, like this, "The document you provided does not contain information about ... Based on my general knowledge, which is current up to October 2023, ..."

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  10. Increase AI text query

    Increase current limit of 1mb of text that AI can query to support much larger documents

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  11. AI Redaction

    Redaction requirement for PII and Sensitive Information. Additional requirement for AI redaction to automate the process.

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  12. Box AI for Hubs limits

    Box AI for Hubs is limited to 10,000 files per Hub.
    When you use it as a FAQ site of Hubs, it easily exceeds 10,000 folders to store manuals and specifications.
    I would like you to remove the limit or raise the limit value for effective use of Hubs.

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  13. Expand 1000 character prompt limit

    The prompt limit of 1000 characters is way too small for anything but simple requests. Users are unable to feed in much additional data for comparison to the source document, greatly limiting the capability of the tool. Much better results are derived from loading the source document and any other required information into ChatGPT, with a larger and multimodal prompt.

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  14. hyperlink source from AI in Hubs

    When you ask a question in a Hub, the sources cited are just in plain text. The ask is that the sources would be hyperlinked instead.

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  15. Export Box AI Results as an Excel Worksheet

    It would be great to have a feature that could allow Box AI results to be exported as an Excel worksheet.

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  16. Make docuworks files compatible with Box AI


    I would like Fujifilm Business Innovation's docuworks file (xdw) to be supported.

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  17. Expanding the scope of BoxAI

    Box AI works on single documents, but we also want to use it as a file search function across folders and Box as a whole. For example, I would like to have various company regulation files in a box and ask them to answer questions about what kind of application they should make when getting married.

    30 votes
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  18. Box AI Prompt Closes on Outside Clicks

    Box AI prompt screen automatically closes when clicking outside of it. This issue becomes particularly problematic when using digital adoption tools to provide a guided tutorial for Box AI. When users click on the tutorial, it is interpreted as clicking outside the Box AI prompt, causing the prompt to close. As a result, the educational guide cannot be executed effectively.

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  19. Box AI for Hubs for External Users

    Currently, in order for an external user to use AI for a Hub they are invited into, the external user's EID must also have Enterprise Plus AND have enabled AI for Hubs.

    We would like an option to grant external users AI access if their EID doesn't have Enterprise Plus. Thank you!

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  20. Enhance Box AI Responses to Include Clickable Hyperlinks

    When Box AI references or cites a document containing a hyperlink, the main text of the response currently displays the hyperlink as plain text. To improve usability and streamline navigation, Box AI should format these hyperlinks as clickable links.

    This enhancement would significantly improve the user experience by enabling direct access to the referenced content.

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