Group/User based app access control
Ability to control access to each apps based on groups and users.
Requesting in addition to below pulse, as Admin Console currently only allows enterprise wide setting for each app access control.

Dear Customers,
In the context of this feature request, we are excited to announce that it is now also possible to selectively enable integration apps to particular managed users and groups.
More information is available in our published announcement.
We will be happy to hear your feedback, also at an upcoming Box Community Roundtable on October 24th (register here).
Thank you,
Box Partner Integrations Team
AdminMarek Podgórski (Admin, Box) commented
The feature is coming soon. Please check the following Product Announcement:
Anonymous commented
We would like to be able to scope integrations so only specific users can see them instead of the whole enterprise. We would like to be able to scope to users or Box groups.
AdminJacques van der Merwe (Admin, Box) commented
To add further detail: Where companies develop applications that only a sub-section of the user community should be allowed to use, this mechanism should allow for the installation for that sub community to deploy BUT also allow the Admin's to undeploy for set of users, because it is common for people to change role and no longer requiring that access.
Anonymous commented
This is a bigger problem than Betas. Box needs this functionality across the board. Wanna try out Box Drive for just a few users? TOO Bad, it enables it for the entire tenant.
Wanna enable integration with a 3rd party app? All or nothing.
Anonymous commented
I've been waiting since 2010 for this feature
AdminBrad Monroe (Admin, Box) commented
When Box launches a beta for a feature, we can now opt-in to the beta directly from the Admin Console - which is great!
Currently there are 4 options to enable:
-- Enable for all managed users
-- Enable for select managed users (whitelist)
-- Enable for all managed users except specific users (blacklist)
-- Disable for all managed usersThis request is to allow admins to select Groups for the whitelist in addition to Users which are already supported.
Matt Royal commented
This is very important in Higher Ed, where our institutions essentially span multiple industries. There are plenty of apps we'd be happy to approve for students that we might not approve for, say, a medical researcher. The all-or-nothing approach leaves us able to approve very few apps.
AdminAdam Liranzo (Admin, Box) commented
No app integration groups, it's either all of your users or none. This makes testing thing like Box Drive difficult if anyone can download it.
Box User commented
This should have been implemented from Day 1. Still waiting on this.
Alana Venos commented
Provide more granular permissions for mobile Apps, i.e. per-Group or per-User Available, Disabled, Enabled by Default.
For security reasons, we would like to enforce that documents opened in O365 and other tools can only be saved to Box.
AdminChristopher Drubka (Admin, Box) commented
This request is specific to controlling applications and integrations by group. For example, an admin should be able to permit whether a group (or user) can use certain applications/integrations.
Samara Rice commented
Once an organization develops an application the only way to distribute it broadly is to publish it (making it available for all Box users) and then to enable it by default for all managed users.
It would be ideal if there was a way to make the application default on to a sub set of managed users without having to make it publicly available.