We would like the Box Sign sender experience to revert back to its previous state to show "others only".
Until now, the sender experience for Box Sign has been able to select "Other People Only".
As background, a workflow has been set up in an environment where the signature field is only for non-senders, but the flow has stopped because it is waiting for a signature from a sender who is not in the signature field.
We are aware of a workaround by changing the sender's role from "signer" to "receive a copy," but this has caused a lot of frustration because it is not as easy to operate.
We would like to see the Sender Experience returned to the way it was before, where the "others only" field is also displayed in the Sender Experience.
これまでBox Signの送信者エクスペリエンスには「他の人のみ」が選択出来ていた。

Thank you for the feedback, the default role of the sender is now changed to "Get a Copy" , the discoverability of how to change recipient role & settings was also improved