Box Sign required field
Have option to make Required Fields highlighted (or otherwise noticeable) from the Signer's viewpoint. Getting a lot of client frustration as can't complete a Sign document as can't find what required field they still need to fill out.

Now all required fields have a red asterisk *, which will help signers to navigate and sign documents faster.
Eric Spilman commented
This was delivered. Now it has a red * for required fields. Great improvement!
Anonymous commented
We get this often as well, our clients are frustrated that they can't submit the signed documents and they don't know what they have missed!
Eric Spilman commented
Box team,
We have documents with dozens of fields. Only some are mandatory to complete. Without highlighting or putting a star or somehow indicating that it's mandatory, there's no way to know what field needs to be completed or not. This is causing us to have to look for a new solution for e-signatures. This is a seemingly easy request. PLEASE PLEASE help.