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50 results found
Box Drive: Change cache location
It would be really awesome to allow the box drive cache location to be placed somewhere other than C:\Users<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Box\Box\cache, say on on a separate volume that doesn't consume space on C: (boot / application drive). Ideally I would like to place it on my second ssd D:
364 votesHi there,
This capability is under consideration. Check back here for updates.
Folder-Level Activity Reporting: Ability to Report on Activity and Access Stats at the Folder Level
Add an 'export' option available for folder Owners & Co-Owners to export various items at the folder level (meaning in the webapp - not the Admin Console) for
--Activity (uploads, download, moves, previews, create shared link, invite collaborators, etc.) in the folder
--Etc.317 votesThis suggestion is under consideration by the Product Team for future development, however, it is not on our roadmap. Please share additional feedback and use cases to help us understand the importance of this release.
bulk manage Shared Links
Provide a way for all shared links in an account to have their permission levels / access levels / expiry dates modified in bulk, rather than having to change each one individually which is extremely time consuming for large doc sets.
183 votes -
Collaborations Report: Add Folder Filter
My customer would like to filter down to a specific parent folder and see a report on all collaborators on that root folder and all child folders below. Right now the Collaborations report shows ALL folders which takes a long time to run and requires filtering after the report is run. Ideally we could filter to the correct folder at the beginning.
177 votes -
Dynamically name signed documents based on metadata: signer's full name, company, email and others
When there are documents in the same folder or templates that are repeatably signed with the same name (Ready Sign Link, Batch Send), Box Sign adds a number and () to the filename to note the different/unique files.
There needs to be a better way to name the files - perhaps using metadata or using the unique id of the sign request. And then all files - signed docs and signed log would be renamed with the same name. Otherwise it's very hard to tell files apart when they all have the same name with just a number and ()…
116 votes -
Box Sign - Combine Executed Signed Docs and Signature Log
Currently, when you send a document to be signed, the signed executed document and signature log are saved as separate files. It would be nice if the signed doc and signature log were one document and saved as an updated version of the original document. Currently, it turns 1 document into 3 documents, and clutters up the folders.
116 votes -
Create a Box group/alias or ability to select a different name to replace the workflow owner’s name.
I’ve created several Relay workflows across the business and the issue I found is that people are reaching out to me because my name is tied to a task that is assigned to them. Often times, I do not have any context to the workflow so it results in me having to reach out to the person who started/uploaded the document. We want to avoid approvers having to reach out to the workflow owner vs. the actual owner of the program. This process would not be sustainable if it were rolled out to a larger company.
Currently Example: Hayley creates…
111 votes -
External collaboration Allow list per group
We would like to limit the external collaboration to allowed domains for a specific group not the entire tenant.
This is useful when the subsidiary company, especially a financial company, can have a limited external collaboration for security reason.105 votes -
Multi-Branding for 1 instance (EID) / Multiple Custom Branding Themes per EID
The ability to manage several subsidiaries under 1 instance
79 votes -
Group Notifications
Add the ability to notify groups; i.e. @mention in comments, assigned task notifications in the activity pane and in Relay
77 votesWe are definitely tracking this feature, but it is not yet on the roadmap for delivery.
How would envision managing your groups?
Would you want to sync with an existing directory, or create the Groups directly in Box?
Ability to download comments and print comments
Would like the ability to download and/or print comments associated with a file. Perhaps via additional selections to "Download Comments" and "Print w/Comments".
I understand downloading comments may need to be a separate file as the content could be in various application types and comments are not created in that document type. Printed files convert to PDF so it would be great if the comments could be converted to PDF and added directly to the printed file.
Downloading and printing comments has been a request on the Box Community site from multiple people who have also listed some of their…
76 votes -
Box Sign - Fields filled out become metadata
Box Sign - Fields filled out become metadata
67 votes -
We would like to be able to preview files encrypted with Microsoft MIP from Box./Microsoft MIP
We would like to be able to preview files encrypted with Microsoft MIP from Box.
Because it is not supported by the current MIP integrator.
Microsoft MIPで暗号化されたファイルをBox上からプレビュー出来るようにしてほしい。
現在のMIP統合機能でサポートされていないため。61 votes -
folder report
Allow Box Folder owners to run a file/folder report
61 votes -
Box Sign should be approved by the Certificate Authority in Japan
Currently, Japanese law requires that minutes of board of directors meetings be sealed by an electronic signature service that has been approved by a certification authority.
However, Box Sign has not yet been approved by the Certification Authority.
In order to make further use of Box Sign, we'd like Box, Inc. to get approval for Box Sign from the Certification Authority.
しかし、Box Signはまだ認証局から承認されていません。
Box Signをさらに活用するためには、Box社が認証局からBox Signの認可を受けることが望まれます。59 votes -
We would like the usage standards for Box Connector for Microsoft Graph to be relaxed.
Currently, the Box Connector for Microsoft Graph requires fewer than 10,000 Box users, but the improved interoperability between Box and Microsoft products is more beneficial for larger tenants.
I would like the user limit to be increased or eliminated.Additionally, We can currently search and display Box content (up to 20,000 recent items) across the Microsoft ecosystem, but this amount of content is not very searchable, so we'd like to see as many as possible.
Box Connector for Microsoft Graphの利用基準を緩和してほしい
現在、Box Connector for Microsoft Graphを利用するにはBoxユーザーが10,000人未満であることが条件ですが、Box製品とMicrosoft製品間の相互運用性の向上は、大人数のテナントでより効果的です。
ユーザー数の上限を引き上げるか、なくしてほしいです。また現在は、Microsoftのエコシステム全体でBoxのコンテンツ (最大20,000の最新項目) を検索して表示できますが、このコンテンツ数では検索性が低いため、可能な限り多くしてほしいです。
57 votes -
Restrict Box Sign to internal use only
[Request contents]
Please add the ability to restrict recipients to Box Sign "options".
I would like the scope of restrictions to be selectable only by internal users and invited users, similar to shared links.[Background]
If you restrict Box Sign to internal use only, security incidents may occur without the above features.(Japanese)
Box Signの"オプション"に受信者を制限する機能を追加してほしい。
Box Signを社内利用のみに制限している場合、上記の機能がない場合セキュリティインシデントが発生する可能性があるため。57 votes -
The option to cascade Relay triggers to subfolders for all triggers
Box needs to add the cascade option to all Relay triggers to catch activity in underlying subfolders. The legacy automations feature that Box had did this by default. Now, the alternative is having to create several relay workflows that is too cumbersome to manage and doesn't scale.
55 votes -
Ability to specify the destination folder for periodic output of Box reports
We would like to be able to output Box reports periodically by specifying a folder.
Currently, it is possible to output reports on a regular basis, but when providing them to users, it is necessary to manually move the output results, which takes a lot of man-hours.
We would like to be able to fully automate this process, so we are making this request.■日本語
完全自動化できるようにしたいため、リクエストします。53 votes -
Approval Task With Box Relay Enhancements
When allocating approval tasks in Box Relay, users are able to uncheck the "Invite the person in charge as a viewer" function.
In addition, if "Invite users as viewers" is enabled, and the members in charge have been granted permission as members of a group, which prevent them from being invited to the file as viewers.52 votesWe’re evaluating this as a feature now.
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