Box Drive supported in Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 is not supported by Box as only two latest major versions (64-bit) are supported.
Ed N. commented
Box Drive states that it can be used with RDS/Terminal Services but when you try to install it, the installer says it is not supported for Windows Server 2012. This effectively means it is not supported other than in limited newer instances. We really need the Windows Server 2012 support - this server version is current and supported by Microsoft.
Anonymous commented
We are building a congifurator database and during the ramp-up the Windows Server 2019 Datacenter is being used as a common development instance on Google Cloud. We would prefer but unless available "now" we need to implement Google Cloud Storage which is usable with Cyberduck but takes few more steps and is less "end user easy". GCS though as a beta of hotfolder solution which on the other hand could be the best of anyhthing - if you bother to setup a linux server at your end.
Anonymous commented
Curious, in lieu of this ever coming to light, has anyone found any third party client or solution that is feasible?
Anonymous commented
THis would help really a lot
(Edited by admin) -
Anonymous commented
Any update? We have Amazon Workspaces for our users. These workspace runs on Windows server so they can't use Box drive on it.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this? This is absolutely necessary for use with TS/RDC users in the organization!
Hugo Huerta commented
Any news on this? Been with Box because it's business oriented and can't have support for Windows Server.
Anonymous commented
Any word on making box compatible with Windows Server 2012?
Anonymous commented
We really need to sync Box with a server to use it on Terminal Services.
When Do you plan to release this version?
Anonymous commented
We need this like yesterday. this has been going since March why are you only considering it now
Anonymous commented
Yes, exactly what the previous comment said. Need to use on Windows Server.
Anonymous commented
I can’t underscore enough how beneficial this feature would be. And it would increase box’s competitiveness in the cloud storage market
Anonymous commented
We have terminal server users (with thin Clients) who lacks access Box do to no support for Windows Server, Why don´t you support this?
Anonymous commented
This is ridiculous that you don't have any compatibility to present BOX File Services to a Server. Why is that?
Anonymous commented
We would like to use veeam to backup files directly into a box account.
AdminChris Moore (Admin, Box) commented
Backup and consumption of log files to resolve issues on business critical servers. Could use Relay/Skills to alert IT admins to server issues without the need to pay for server monitoring.
Anonymous commented
I need this for multiple workflows as well.
Anonymous commented
IN terms of use case, I would argue that many of us who manage servers would have similar use cases as Desktop OS's. For example, we have multiple Windows Servers that could benefit from syncing files to Box using Box Drive. I don't know why Servers should be excluded.