Group Notifications
Add the ability to notify groups; i.e. @mention in comments, assigned task notifications in the activity pane and in Relay

We are definitely tracking this feature, but it is not yet on the roadmap for delivery.
How would envision managing your groups?
Would you want to sync with an existing directory, or create the Groups directly in Box?
Anonymous commented
We would like to see this feature implemented with the ability to pull groups from on-prem Active Directory, Azure AD or Okta Universal Directory.
Michael commented
This function is essential for 'box relay'-user.
Cause i can assign a task to a group but i can't send a notification to the same group.
This is cruel cause for example:
We have 1 relay with 1 task for a group and 1 notification for the 20 members.
We dublicate this a dozen times for different folder-structure.
Now if there's a new member, wie add him to the group and now we still have to adjust the notification in each relay.
Best regards, -
Anonymous commented
Currently, the "Send Notification" trigger in Box Relay does not support groups.
If you want to send notifications to multiple people, you need to specify each group.
Also, by specifying a group, you can always send notifications to the latest recipients.(In Japanese)
現在、Box Relayのトリガーとして用意されている [通知の送信] は、グループに対応していません。
また、グループ指定することで、常に最新の通知先に通知を送ることができます。 -
Anonymous commented
We have several workflows that needs to be sent to a team to say that the approval tasks have been completed. The workaround for this is to move the file into a folder whereby each user has set their 'upload' preference on the folder to send them a notification.
Anonymous commented
This becomes very urgent ! Please do something asap because as admin I am every day overwhelm by many people because this functionality is not available (and for me not understandable). I hope you do something asap.
Thank You !