Ability to create dynamic forms
For example: A Word document to convert into a dynamic form with pre populated field.

It is now possible to create Forms to gather data and content and use it to trigger workflows. Please see the below link fore more details.
Anonymous commented
We have so many forms that have to be downloaded from box, filled out outside of box then filed back inside box. It would be great to have this all in Box already
Anonymous commented
Google forms, and the powerful analytics they provide for responses, are severely lacking in Box.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to save Google Forms, Microsoft Forms form data, input results, aggregation results, and uploaded files in my own tenant's Box.
Alternatively, I would like to expand the functionality of Box file requests, increase the number of input patterns so that it can do the same thing as Google Forms or Microsoft Forms, and be able to automatically aggregate the results. When extending functionality on the Box side, I would like to be able to copy form data, create templates, and trigger email notifications and Box Relays depending on input results and uploaded files.Googleフォーム、Microsoft Formsのフォームデータ、入力結果、集計結果、アップロードファイルを、自社テナントのBoxに保存できる様にして欲しいです。
もしくは、Boxファイルリクエストの機能を拡張して、GoogleフォームやMicrosoft Formsと同等なことができる様に入力パターンを増やして、結果の自動集計ができる様にして欲しいです。Box側で機能拡張する場合は、フォームデータのコピーやテンプレート化、入力結果やアップロードファイルに応じてメール通知やBox Relayをトリガーできる様にして欲しいです。(Edited by admin) -
Anonymous commented
I would love Microsoft Forms integration into Box. With several organizations I work with, since Google Forms is used to collect information, this results in using Google Drive for all. Forms integration would allow for full transition to Box (preferred) instead of having to use Google Drive. Would definitely love to see this feature in the future!
I will also add that I have been asked if this is a current feature of Box by several others in my organization and that the absence of this feature causes them to use and store more data on Google Drive.
Anonymous commented
Yes. We run the IBM Club (Social Club for Employees and Retirees) in the South East of England. As IBM themselves use Box internally we also use Box for storing our auditable documents. We currently use Google Forms for Event Management and recording where the forms produce a Spreadsheet which we then have to transfer to Box once each event is complete. It would be a great advantage for us if we could use a Forms system that integrates directly with Box.
Anonymous commented
Yes very interested in a feedback call to discuss dynamic forms.... We currently use Google forms to book, and organise payments for the IBM Club activities in South East England... as IBM use Box themselves and we store our audit documents on Box it would be a great advantage to us to be able to use something similar so that it is easier for us to store direct to Box in Excel and Word format.
Anonymous commented
YES!!! Please add this ASAP. It has been a pain to work with other tools to get info to box. Cognito Forms is what we’re using now. We capture form data and use a separate workflow tool to send the upload docs from the form to Box. It took an absurd amount of time to put together and was painful when your form upload request was almost what we needed. We need to be able to easily record the data input in the forms in a database somewhere (sharepoint, excel, Airtable, etc).
Ryan Off commented
We are very interested in integrated forms in Box.com. We typically use Google forms now but these reside in Google Drive, which doesn't fit well with our Box.com usage. We have also used a bunch of other tools including formstack, jotform, wufoo, goformz.
What we would find very helpful is to have simple web based forms that would create a filled PDF once submitted.
Also, we would like to have form fields be available as an attribute in Box Relay so depending on how a form field is completed, the Relay workflow could take a different path or do a different task, etc. For example, we have a facility incident report where the form submitter might select a certain location from a dropdown. Depending on which dropdown they select, we would like the report delivered or emailed to a different user.
One feature we would like in forms, is besides text fields, description fields, dropdowns, select boxes, having the ability to include a photo or attach a document in a form would be very helpful.
Anonymous commented
How many years does it take to get something like this implemented? Even partnering with formstack.com or something like that would be better than nothing.
Anonymous commented
So many scenarios where this would be useful, it feels like a no-brainer. Smartsheet has a similar feature.
It would be idea if you could select what fields and create either a new file (word, PDF, excel, etc.) or an entry line in an Excel document with the information submitted as part of the form.
AdminH.K (Admin, Box) commented
In some countries like Japan, POs and Invoices are required to be uploaded along with vendor name, date, price, etc in metadata.
Although the current File Request Link allows user to enter metadata values in form, since some drop-down fields like vendor name could have hundreds of values to be populated/choose from (dynamically using CSV/Excel/GSheet), this would be very handy feature to accelerate such use case.
Anonymous commented
This would be a great feature, particularly if it could be integrated with Relay so that when the form was completed a Relay Workflow could be started.
Anonymous commented
Would really, REALLY like this ability.
Mary Colwell commented
Form integration would be a huge enhancement to our practice. We sent questionnaires to our new clients to gather information about their case. Having that form interactive in Box would provide an easy way to gather the information and a place where they can upload supporting documentation.
Anonymous commented
Yes to this - please add form functionality within Box. Would love to see non-Google option (e.g. to populate Excel spreadsheet).
Ryan Off commented
We have used Google Forms with a third party Box integration, JotForms, GoFormz, and DocuSign forms. Unfortunately, none of them integrate perfectly with Box, and plus we have to worry about paying for another service and deal with authentication. I'm more inclined to want a custom made-by-Box forms tool that works as nicely with Box as Box Notes does. Google Forms would be my second choice. I'd prefer a more simple form tool that integrates amazingly over a robust form tool with poor integration.
For our use case, our staff completes monthly reports. We would like those reports output as a single file per form submission and all output to a single folder. For example, we would have a folder called Inspection Reports and inside that folder would be a series of PDFs in date order and titled by a field in the form submission.
Anonymous commented
If an organisation is to get serious about storing its data using Box, then functionality like this is essential. Otherwise we get data fragmented across other document management systems.
Anonymous commented
Please add a form creator (or integration with Google Forms / MS Forms). Frequently we ask our clients/customers to provide information (intake forms) and we would like to keep all of our content in Box vs. having to move it from multiple platforms.
Anonymous commented
Please add a forms feature to Box. Preferably Google Forms!
Anonymous commented
Or Excel. Have the ability to create and publish an intake form where data from the form when submitted is appended /stored on an Excel file n Box.