Box Sign - Fields filled out become metadata
Box Sign - Fields filled out become metadata

Anonymous commented
Gathering metadata from the form can help us rename the files using Box relay
Anonymous commented
Yes, there is a tremendous amount of value to have completed BoxSign fields filled out and then allow to become metadata. This is necessary for companies that use your BoxSign feature for high volume, low touch agreements (such as a NDA). For example, one typically tags within the document such things as the company name, the effective date, the signatory, etc. Within your enterprise level subscription, we should have the ability during the tagging stage to nominate the fields "company name" and "effective date" within the advance feature portion of the tag that says "yes - identify as metadata" and this could be done by the addition of simply checking a box so that this occurs upon execution. And then the collection of that metadata then becomes the naming convention.
Anonymous commented
This feature is very helpful in meeting the search requirements for compliance with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act.
Anonymous commented
Without this feature it's very frustrating as we lack the time to rename each document properly.
Without the naming convention being tied to company name as completed by the external signer and being tagged at execution, it will inevitably create a lot more of these types of documents in a short period of time, all looking the same with no ability to identify who is signing what. - posted on behalf of Enterprise customer. -
Eric Spilman commented
Completely agree! Dropbox sign also has the spreadsheet download functionality. Definitely took a step back moving to BOX for e-signature.
Anonymous commented
It would be incredibly useful if we could download a spreadsheet of this data. For instance, if 100 people use a template and fill in various form fields, it would be great to download one spreadsheet with all of that data. Also, if this metadata could be accessed when creating automation (e.g. move this signed document into a particular folder depending on which form element was filled out) that could allow for huge efficiencies.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Today, this only is the case for the signing log, not the actual contract itself. Please also convert the contract fields into metadata.
Anonymous commented
When I send a doc for signature, it often comes back with a lot of information I would want to be able to search for - counterparty name, date signed, etc. I am not able to search for those fields today, or use them to eg start a governance retention policy dynamically on something like "expiration date". Ideally, these fields would be added to some kind of metadata template I could use to filter search results, but in general the greatest urgency is to be able to return search results with documents when I search for fields that are completed during the signature request.