Sort search results alphabetically
AS A Box User
I WANT to be able to sort search results alphabetically (currently relevance and updated are the only sort options)
SO THAT I have more options for sorting search results to locate the files and folders I am looking for

Anonymous commented
It's 2024 and nothing changes, this is so basic.
Anonymous commented
I would like to bring this request back to the top of the list please. Having the ability to sort by NAME, DATE and SIZE need to be added so users can quickly access the file they are looking for.
Since Box Drive doesn't support windows explorer search, we need more robust options to sort through our files in Box. Unfortunately the Box Online search filters and options are lacking. For a cloud file storage platform you would think that search would be more full featured.
Please add this functionality asap! -
Anonymous commented
Also, persist my preferred sort option.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Multiple customers of mine here at Box have brought this to my attention over the past few years. Box offers a very robust search tool but once the results are given, there are only two ways to sort the information. Relevance and updated are the only current options. Having the ability to sort by NAME, DATE and SIZE need to be added so users can quickly access the file they are looking for.
Anonymous commented
The ability to sort in NOTES is especially critical, as "recently viewed" is the only option. Using Ctrl+F, if the term appears on the currently open note, won't search the other notes at all. Adding the ability to sort by "last updated date" would also be extremely helpful. The concern someone raised about #s not sorting correctly (e.g., 12 appears before 2) would apply...we used a hierarchy for reference docs, so 1 is global for a client, 2 gets more specific, 3 is particular, etc. We need these to appear (or be findable) together.
Notes is an extremely useful tool, IF I don't have to keep going to All Files, and search for the folder where each item is stored, which is very VERY time consuming.
I mean....sorting. Kinda a fundamental function.
Anonymous commented
I also would love this. I hate that every time I go back to my folders it sorts by last updated time. I would like for some folders to be able to have a setting to switch to auto sort by name.
Anonymous commented
The standard way of looking at files is alphabetical, it's crazy that you can't change your default order preferences especially when "last viewed/used" is the least helpful and least used sort order by most people. Please change so we can all view our files how we would like them to appear without having to change every time!
Anonymous commented
I agree Sorting of Search Results is ridiculously limited. In addition to Sort by Alphanum, Sort by Size should absolutely be included as well, especially given that the default search filters by size are so limited.
On that topic, why not include a field to specify a File Size or File Size Range?
More options, please.
Anonymous commented
Allow the option to set the default sort order to Alphabetically, by date uploaded (current default) is obnoxious.
Anonymous commented
We recently migrated, to Box, the Policy related images for one of our lines of business. One of the biggest complaints we are receiving is the sorting of the Search Results. Only options available are right now is to sort by Relevance or Updated date. With the migration all the objects have the same date. Relevance is not helpful with these documents.
PLEASE IMPLEMENT sorting by file name. -
Anonymous commented
Seconded! Please please please provide this option. I wanted to use Box so I could embed Box folders on a website and it is paramount that files can be sorted by name. It makes user navigation much easier. As this is not a current option, I will have to find a different option.
Anonymous commented
Please provide this option. As someone who is used to the way Windows works I would appreciate some of the same options. Currently our box system is so elaborate that it's impossible find anything without using the search function. Which OK works however if I am going to a folder that has a hundred folders underneath lets say and I will be working in them. I don't want to get out of the folder type my search parameters every single time. I just want to start at A and work my way down. Sounds simple, yeah? Also I don't want to have to hit sort every time I get out of the folder system too. Any updates would be appreciated.
Anonymous commented
Can you make it possible to change the default sort? Currently my files default sort to last modified. I would like to change this to alphabetical.
Anonymous commented
This really seems like a no brainer. Surprised this is not an option already. Related -- the ability to sort by other fields, like folder path, and type of file. Like you can do in Windows File Explorer.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE implement sorting alphabetically as a global options across ALL folders!