Ability to download comments and print comments
Would like the ability to download and/or print comments associated with a file. Perhaps via additional selections to "Download Comments" and "Print w/Comments".
I understand downloading comments may need to be a separate file as the content could be in various application types and comments are not created in that document type. Printed files convert to PDF so it would be great if the comments could be converted to PDF and added directly to the printed file.
Downloading and printing comments has been a request on the Box Community site from multiple people who have also listed some of their use cases. Please see -

Anonymous commented
This would be a game-changer for our team, even if the "Activity" panel version record and comments could be downloaded as a CSV, XLSX, or even as a PDF. Helpful for audit purposes to have a concrete record of approvals and it's very cumbersome to capture this on the existing platform.
Anonymous commented
It would be fantastic if you could download your comments as a csv file. or xlsx. would be a huge thing for us!
Anonymous commented
Really would be nice to have this function.
Anonymous commented
This feature is a necessity for us as well. Approval tasks, general tasks & comments are maintained in the activity pane.
Anonymous commented
I also need this feature. Sharing comments with people that do not have access to Box.
Anonymous commented
I also request this feature.
Anonymous commented
This is needed for audit purpose.
Anonymous commented
The ability to print the activity column in Box is very important to our company. We utilize the task feature to approve documents and want the ability to print this evidence for our auditors.
Anonymous commented
This would be viewed by our organization as imperative. We often use Box comments to provide feedback about many types of documents. Even if they can't be printed, if they could somehow be combined into the document, it would be extremely helpful and useful.
Anonymous commented
We should be able to download or print the comments that are made on documents from any collaborator on the folder.
Anonymous commented
It is extremely important to us. Some of our users use in house software like AutoDesk Build, Timberline, etc. When they receive RFI’s, RFPs and Submittals from their sub contractors they upload them to Box for our everyday use and record. The comments are important to them for their in house software and this causes a lot of aggravation for them and it is passed on to me because they are having to do so many additional steps to get the documentation into their system. In order to require the contractors to use Box we have to make it as compatible as possible with their everyday workflow.
Anonymous commented
Use Box's annotation function on iPad, and use Apple Pencil to annotate and save files saved in Box.
Share the saved annotation file to users who have a Box account and those who don't have a Box account.
The user who receives the document wants to print out the annotated file and perform subsequent processing. -
Anonymous commented