Removing Selected Subfolders
I am a software developer, and I use Box so that I can access my code at work and at home. If there is a folder called Project1 with my solution files in it, the act of opening that solution or building that solution will create both a "bin" and an "obj" folder that both contain several hundred megabytes of data that does not need to be sync'ed. When I stop debugging and change the code to run it again, now I have 2 copies of nearly identical data still being pushed up to the cloud and being downloaded by my other devices.
Is there any way that I can select Project1 to be sync'ed to the cloud and my PCs but exclude certain folders like 'bin' and 'obj' that do NOT need to be sync'ed?
I realize that I can turn Box off on my PC while I am developing, but then I often forget to turn it back on for a week or so, which defeats the purpose of having my data sync'ed.
Your syncing is taking up all of my bandwidth.