Allow One-Off Reissue of Custom Terms of Service in Box
If a user ever rejects a custom terms of service, they are not able to access Box or attempt to connect via the collaboration link. It seems that they could try again in 30 days (we have not tested, this is way too long to wait for a time-out).
The only resolution to allow the single external collaborator to "reset" the ToS and accept them to sign in is to disable and re-enable custom ToS for all users.
This is a major problem - we should not have to revalidate all ToS for EVERY user to resolve an issue for one user. Resetting the ToS seems to have booted all users out of Box Drive until they re-accept the terms.
This is a serious disruption for an error that's pretty easy to make. Please allow a way for users who have declined ToS to try again if they've erroneously declined WITHOUT requiring a system wide change for all users.