Change the default security of a shared link, to "People in this file" or "People in this folder" rather than "Anyone with the link"
Change the default security of a shared link, to "People in this file" or "People in this folder" rather than "Anyone with the link" (which is the current default).
Whenever a shared link is created in box, the default access permission assigned to the new Shared Link, is "Anyone with the link" unless Account-level permissions are specifically changed by a knowledgeable user. This is not a secure choice at all. It's too easy to create a large number of Shared Links which, by default, are open to absolutely anyone in the entire world to whom the link gets forwarded to. The box user may be under the mistaken impression that their link is secure, but by default it is absolutely not at all secure!
This poor security choice is similar to forwarding an email attachment directly, but the difference is that box requires each of it's folder to be specifically permissioned. So the box user is under the impression that when users are permissioned to view folder contents, that no-one else would be able to view those contents even if a shared link is forwarded beyond the intended audience. WRONG!
Since box requires explicit addition of users to each folder, it makes sense that all shared links, by default would have their access level limited to the users of that folder. The user should specifically select whether they want to make the link accessible to everyone in the world.

Sean Moe commented
I could be misunderstanding, but I believe your Enterprise Account settings already allow you to change the shared link default to "People in this folder". We have it enabled on my organization's enterprise account, so users have to explicitly designate a shared link as public before it is public.