New accounts should come to the admin for approval.
New accounts requests should come to the admin for approval. Users should not just be able to make an account without any permission, it makes it very hard to control license usage.

[Deleted User] commented
I 100% agree. Our team at Children's Hospital Los Angeles is in the same boat. We have disabled auto-roll-in to prevent users from self-joining our enterprise and consuming a license. But we have no way to prevent licenses from being used when any user invites someone as a collaborator from our email domain I confirmed with Box Support that all collaborator roles will consume a license. Requiring approval is necessary to keep our license use below our approved budgeted threshold. Currently we are forced to do monthly maintenance and delete accounts created via collaboration.
Anonymous commented
Currently I have a limited number of accounts for my organization. Very specific, approve individuals within the organization are approved to be be users. These users are all authorized to invite external collaborators. Unfortunately, does not allow for admin approval of those approved individuals when they invite internal users (user with my organizations emails address). This is called "Backdoor" collaboration. This means that someone within my org can invite other "non-approved" users to join our account. This burns licenses OR pushes us over our license count and it completely bypasses our organizations approval process.