Support articles
Wow, 'Support' is not even an option on the dropdown menu above. Maybe that is the root of the problem.
Here are FIVE Suggestions:
Add 'Support' as an option on the menu above.
Folders that I can see via a web browser were not appearing on my desktop. I tried to find a support article. Found this one:
Box Sync Troubleshooting Basics
It does not address what I eventually figured out to be the problem: For each folder, I have to manually click the button with three little dots, then select from the menu the three little dots + More Actions, then select ‘Sync’
I only accidentally found that after wasting A LOT of time trying to send my sync report, etc.
That is a basic issue. It should appear in that article.
At the bottom of the article (and probably all support articles), there is a line of text that says: “Was this article helpful?”
The options are Yes and No.
If the person clicks ‘No’ they should be presented with a text box where they can leave a message saying what the problem is. That would let Box get the feedback it needs to improve articles. Just collecting a ‘No’ does not help.
Also, that text box would let the person submit the suggestion right away, instead of having to dig around to try to find a way to submit it (which many of us will not do) and waiting for the chat.
- I wasted lots of time on chat, just to submit this suggestion.
That chat person wrote, "You can also submit your feedback on this site:"
That link should be provided here:
Typing in this little box and needing to scroll up and down to see just a few lines at a time is a lousy experience. Every other website in the world lets you drag the corner of the box to make it larger and easier to read. Please do the same.