Integrate Box for Office with Box Edit
Integrate use of Box Edit (Open files from, edit, and save back) with Box for Office (Create new files in Word, Excel, etc. and save to folders).
For example - I frequently generate a series of documents that originate in, but I want to use the Box SAVE AS command to save them back to the same folder (or one adjacent to it in the file structure) with a new name. Current functionality when I activate the Box SAVE AS option from an Office application is to treat it like a newly generated file, requiring me to navigate from the root folder to the intended destination. I would like a file opened from to prompt default navigation to the source folder. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but navigating four or five levels down, 20 or 30 times a day on time-critical tasks gets stressful! Any others using Box as a primary project drive finding this frustrating?
I have thought of a potential workaround (instead of open/modify/save-as, I will try copy/rename/open&modify) though I haven't tried it yet.