Cleanup and Enhance the file/folder webhook events to cover all the happy paths (new file, new file version, restore previous version)
As a Box Application Developer I want to be able to receive a unique, webhook events for the following scenarios:
- User uploads new file (brand new binary object placed into a Box Folder) - Folder based event (exists: FILE.UPLOADED)
- User uploads a new file version - File AND Folder based event (e.g. FILE_NEW.VERSION)
- User restores a previous file version - File AND Folder based event (e.g. FILE_RESTORE.VERSION)
As the owner of an enterprise application that has deep integration in the BOX platform, it is surprising that I have no way to use the Webhooks to monitor files for new versions and restoring of previous version while only having new file versions tied to the folder.
The existing event of File.Upload is not connected to the file event, which is an issue. In addition it covers more than one event, a new file in the folder and a new file version to a file in that folder.
t is not a good practice to have different application actions covered by the same event as it adds complexity to application developers when trying to build unique actions / functions based on the discrete events.
By having separate file events this would allow a better programmatic experience.