Change Sender name to "Box" or "Box Updates" instead of the user's name
Collaboration Invite notification emails currently pull the inviting user’s Display Name from the Sender line and putting it in the From line. This means that while the email is coming from, it still has the user’s name like the email has come from them directly.
This can cause conflicts with mail servers that flag emails based on Display Name and email origin. It would be preferable to simple have all notification emails from Box leave Box or Box Updates in the Display Name field, rather than spoofing the acting user’s name.

Mike Mortell commented
Just want to add a +1 to this great idea. Please give an option to Account Owner to make this change. We have had a non zero amount of users missing emails because of this. Our users can be in a rush and assume an email notification “from” John Smith ( is actually from John Smith.
Anonymous commented
Huge issue for us; we have blocked outside email messages that contain the user's name in the "From:" field. This cut down on hundreds of phishing email messages each month.
Generally, the name of one of our executive team is used in the blocked phishing emails and is sent to another employee, asking them to buy gift cards, etc.
But because of this blocking, nobody within our company can receive invitations from anyone else within our company.