Lock/unlock sub-folders at will
Product enhancement request: Create one main link to access a folder and its sub-folders, yet block some sub-folders from being downloaded. Benefit to user is that I can load all files at once, yet allow access only when I choose to. I can provide the link to users once. This saves me time and reduces confusion. An example of how this is being used is for a product launch where some files have been approved for distribution and the others have not yet, but will be “released” later in the week.
· Create Folder 1
· Underneath is sub-folders A-E. Each have files. Desire is to “release” or make available sub-folders at different times, yet only give users one link (to one folder, Folder 1)
o Make sub-folders A, C, and E available for download on Monday
o Make sub-folders B, D available for download on Wednesday