Make web app uploader better at handling file changes.
I just uploaded a bunch of photos and realized a couple of them were the wrong rotation, so I corrected that while the upload continued.
When I checked the files on box, I found that every one of the files I had just uploaded had gone to version 2, even though they were new to box, and I only changed 2 of the 12 files. Indeed, due to the timing, one of the photos that I rotated was still the wrong way round, even though it had gone to version 2.
It seemed like box attempted a naive sync of the entire upload set, detected that some files had changed, so decided to upload them all again (though I can't confirm whether they were actually uploaded again, or whether some other process made the new version - I wasn't looking that closely).
There's no obvious concept of group consistency, so each file should be treated individually in respect of changes. I don't expect box to automatically create a new version of a file when there is no difference to store (if a user uploads the same file twice, maybe that would be okay, or something to confirm with the user, but box should not do it itself).
I also had one occasion where the uploader stalled when I renamed a folder that was being uploaded - files in the folder that was renamed were stuck at 0% in the uploader and each one had to be cancelled individually. Assuming the uploaded cannot spot the name change, perhaps the uploaded could detect that the file/folder is no longer present, and present it as a failed upload, or retain folder structure in the uploader, so it's possible to cancel upload of the folder and its contents in one click.

Rob MacIndoe commented
Actually, I just dragged and dropped some files today, and was not doing anything to the files, and all the files ended up at v2. So maybe there is a bug in the uploader.