Add sorting and filtering to "My Cases" on Community site
When I go to "My Cases" on the Box Community site to view open support cases, I have a table with headings ID - SUBJECT - CREATED - UPDATED - PRIORITY - STATUS
I would love the ability to sort the columns, but that is not an option.
I do not see any way to display more than 20 cases on a page, so I need to view my cases on different pages.
There is ONE filter, but it is not so useful, because there are multiple "statuses" that would be useful to see together, such as a way to hide CLOSED and SOLVED, or just show NEW, OPEN and PENDING together.

AdminBrent Pliskow (Admin, Box) commented
Thanks for submitting this idea! Right now, we do not have any plans to update the "My Cases" interface on the Community. We will keep this in mind for the future.