Disable background sync of Box Drive (for throttled or metered connections)
See below for link and post in the Box Community.
This feature would allow background syncing to be turned off for Box Drive. Because MFO and caching are stored in a "container" that is only available while Box Drive is running - there is no way to access MFO files while connected to a bandwidth limited internet connection. You either are forced to background sync or not have access to your MFO files.
Disable Box Drive background syncing for low bandwidth connections
I've (mostly) adapted to using Box Drive instead of Box Sync.
But a key feature that was lost is the ability to NOT SYNC folders that are marked for offline use.
Because of the way the offline/cache is stored, the Box Drive MUST be running in order to access those folders.
If you are working in a throttled/limited bandwidth environment, this can be problematic.
For example - on inflight Wifi - if you have a synced folder that you are making many (even small) modifications to, Drive will blithely try to update all of those files - hogging bandwidth. Then GoGo decides you are using too much bandwidth and throttles you - even on other apps. Or I am using my phone's hotspot and a coworker drops a HUGE InDesign file into an offline sync folder - chewing through my data plan.
Unless there is some secret that I haven't discovered, I'm in a catch 22. I can shut down Drive - but then I lose access to my offline files. If I leave it running, it hogs the bandwidth. (With Sync, I could kill the sync app and all my local files were fully accessible and editable. Get to the hotel and re-enable Sync and away it goes, matching everything up. Dropbox was even better - I could run a macro based on WIFI SSID name and issue a command line to enable or disable sync.)
Best I've managed to do so far is use an app like "Little Snitch" to choke a particular apps access to the TCP/IP stack and fool drive into thinking I wasn't connected to the internet.
Anyone else have a better solution?