Folder Integrations not available on All Files unless user is owner
We have an App Integration for Folders; Quick Scan. If a user has access to upload to a folder they can use Quick Scan from the Folder's More Actions, Integrations menu to scan a document directly into the folder.
It appears, if a user is the Owner of the folder, the Integration to Quick Scan appears when accessing the Folder's More Options from the All Files area. But, if the user is not the Owner, no Folder Integrations appear. The Folder Integrations always appear if the folder More Options is accessed from a sub-folder, i.e. not the All Files area.
Please fix the More Options, Integrations menu to appropriately add Folder Integrations from the All Files area.

Anonymous commented
Currently delete operations do an enumeration followed by a delete command on each item. As a result, it's very very slow and when canceling it, those commands are clogging the backend buffer (just a guess) so if you do operations from the web page it returns unspecified errors.
Instead of enumerating all items in a folder, it would be more performant to send just one command on the top item and let the backend emit a lock then enumerate for us then delete the items in the background.