Enhance workday integration
WorkDay integration needs:
1) Workday has a “supplier contract request” capability. It would be great to have the ability to add/find final supplier contract attachments between Box and WorkDay.
2) When supplier invoices come into WorkDay, the customer would love to be able to store them in Box (separated by supplier). Within Box today, the customer has a vendor folder, and that folder has contracts in it, plus it has copies of invoices. Customer invoices that were generated by WorkDay should be more easily added/transferred to Box from WorkDay.
3) Transfer content from WorkDay to Box when a request for content is made. For example: when you want to see a copy of a generated invoice, or when someone sends a report request, or when an employee wants to see their info/paycheck – load this content in Box vs. WorkDay only. (For employee personal info, ensure every employee has a Box folder that’s personal to them, and WorkDay is able to put their data in their personal Box folder).