Add "synchronize" or "versions" to the BoxCLI "folders:upload" functions
I am looking for a way to "synchronize" a folder and all of it's contents with the BoxCLI.
So, lets say i run this command:
"box folders:upload /root/test_folder --parent-folder=%ID%"
How can i upload the folder, and only "Update" what has changed?
It would be nice to have something for "Folders" like you have for "Files"
"box files:versions:upload FILEID PATH"
maybe - "box folders:versions:upload FOLDERID PATH"
which would update all of the contents of the folder, version stuff that exist, add items that don't.
I know i can "box:folders:delete"... then "box:folders:upload" again.. but seems a waist of bandwidth and time..