Auto Expiration of Collaborations
For automatic expirations of external collaborators:
Add criteria to automatically remove an external collaborator after they have not accessed content for X amount of time instead of a fixed day amount. This way, after an external collaborator has not previewed a piece of content in X amount of days, they will be removed. Makes it less manual to extend external collaborators if the system is removing them for us because they are not accessing a folder.

Anonymous commented
This is incredibly more useful than just a blanket expiration after a set period from granting access. When the external user no longer needs access, they should be removed. This could easily be facilitated by having the auto expiration triggered by the time since they last accessed the shared folder or content on our enterprise account. Any status update on this feature request?
Anonymous commented
Currently, Box allows you to set Collaborator Auto-Expiration.
However, if there are many collaboration folders or many collaborators, it may take time and effort to extend the expiration date. The collaboration may be terminated due to an oversight in the extension process.
We request the ability to automatically delete collaborators who have no activity for a certain period of time for a folder/file to which they have been invited.