Box Drive path for InDesign linked files
We’ve moved the location of Box Drive to be outside the username location for our users. This allows for multiple users to work with InDesign , collaborate, and reference the correct asset links without issue. Reference –
However, if a user hasn’t previously viewed the file in BOX Drive (e.g. ‘downloaded it to force a local sync’) then the linking of the file still breaks. This causes the following issues : when the user opens an InDesign file, they still need to navigate to anywhere from 5 – 50 different file locations in BOX Drive to ‘open/sync/download’ the file so that BOX has it in the local sync to load into InDesign.
Instead of having to mark multiple folders, sometimes even hundreds of folder for those in the design business, for offline use, we want a way for that when the file is opened it ‘downloads/syncs’ the files behind the scenes automatically.

Anonymous commented
This is a terrible situation, today I have a document with 161 links that has broken. This has wasted my employer's hours resolving links because of this error.
Anonymous commented
Would love for indesign to automatically find linked files in box.
Especially when they already exist and all you have to do is open that folder for indesign to see the link. Would be great if box saw indesign's request to see linked files and went and added them to the cache.