When users delete folders, we want not only the folders but also the files within to be shown in Trash.
When users delete folders, we want not only the folders but also the files within to be shown in Trash. Here is the behavior we noticed: a. We enable "Restrict content creation" in Enterprise Settings. b. User who is not the owner of the folder deletes files. -> The files will be shown in Trash. c. The same user deletes the folder which the files above existed in. d. The files which were deleted in process "a" are no longer shown in trash, making users unable to restore them, unless they restore the folder itself. e. However, the files will be shown in Trash again if the folder is restored. I understand that this is a specification of Box which recovered files will be restored to the folder where they used to belong to, and that it is why files will not be shown when the folder itself is shown in Trash. However, we would like to have the files to be kept shown even when the folder is also shown in Trash.