See co-admin roles via API
We would like to be able to see a list of all co-admins and their permissions via the API.

Akihiko Murakami commented
I am developing a management tool, but I am in trouble because I do not know the authority of the execution user.
As an alternative, a dummy account is created, and it is judged by the logic that "if it succeeds, it has user management authority" and "if it fails, it does not have user management authority".
Of course, if it succeeds, the dummy account is deleted, but I think it's a pretty rough logic.
I would appreciate it if you could provide a way to view the roles via the API.管理ツールを開発しておりますが、実行ユーザーの権限が分からず困っております。
API経由でロールを見れる方法を提供いただける様、切に願います。(Edited by admin)