Single API call to delete user and transfer folders for that user
Before deleting a user from box system we can transfer the root folder from one user account to
Once the root folder is transferred only then delete API must be triggered.
So in all, the delete operation will have to call two API one to transfer and another to delete.
But as the transfer API call will return synchronously.
For users with a large number of files and folders, this means the call could take minutes or hours to return.
So the delete operation will be in pending state until we receive the transfer API response.
Does box now have single API call to delete box user and also transfer the folder?
Lets consider the use-case below;
1. We are deleting box user - User1.
2. We have to trigger API call to transfer files for User1.
3. If the size of the files is too big we have to wait until the files are transferred or root folder gets empty for that user.
4. We have to wait till the time all files gets transferred or root folder gets empty.
5. Trigger API call to delete user once root folder is empty.
Here we have to wait till the root folder gets empty which might hamper the performance if the file size is large.