Google Doc "share" from google.
When using V2 of the box integration with google docs, apparently the ability to "share" the document from google itself, was apparently removed (it shows as available at 1:05 of this box video )
Removing this functionality is not only cumbersome, it creates HUGE potential security issues.
I would like users in our organization to be able to store these google documents in box, to avoid having to manage multiple file storage systems. For one thing, it is cumbersome and unintuitive to have to go to box to invite a person to collaborate with my google doc. And then for the user to have to go through box and then know to click to edit the file to get to the google doc. That's like having to go through your neighbor's house to get to your own refrigerator.
But even worse, it creates HUGE potential security issues. In the real world, people often mistakenly invite "collaborators" to the wrong file. EASY to do when busily viewing a list of nearly identical documents in a box folder. OR worse, they invite collaborators to the entire folder and all its subfolders. Potentially CATASTROPHIC depending on the contents of those folders. This kind of thing happens in the real world, no matter how much you train them. Like I was saying above, I don't want users to go through the neighbor's house AT ALL. I just want to give them the soda or whatever I want them to have. which is not related to the neighbor's house at all. They have no business in the neighbor's house at all.
When a user shares a google document from within the google interface, there is no mistaking which document is being shared. And there is no potential for sharing any other document or a whole directory of documents.
Basically this new version of this integration REMOVES the very collaborative features of google docs, and adds a layer of complexity, along with a potential for massive mistakes ranging from problematic to disastrous.
This integration as it is now, with regular google "sharing" removed, basically guarantees that we won't use it. There is virtually no upside and HUGE potential downsides.
Honestly, I can't believe google even allowed their own "share" button to be removed from their premium suite of apps.
It's a HUGE security and workflow oversite, done I can only imagine, to force people to go through and see box, even if that causes the previously listed gymnastics and potential debacles. Thus it seems it was done with marketing in mind, rather than a benefit to the users. This was incredibly shortsighted.
As mentioned. We will NOT use this feature as is, for the potential security vulnerabilities alone. Thus the current implementation is driving us AWAY from box. Since we have to use google docs for these use cases.
PLEASE revert the feature to enable the regular "share" functionality in Google apps.
UPDATE: Actually it's worse than I thought. Just tested between two of my accounts. Since the "sharing" apparently only works by inviting "collaborator" as an editor, the user actually has to CREATE a box account just to edit the google sheet. I mean SERIOUSLY. What a ridiculous marketing move. Definitely will NOT use this integration as it is now. It's pretty much all downside, virtually no upside.
If you want happy Box users, PLEASE don't do stuff like this. We like it when you HELP us. Not when you use us to be mules to market your platform to our business associates. I'd brag about you MORE (and have) if you just make my life easier. NOT when you do stuff like this. Just put it back the way it was.

When using the integration, users can now share a Google file directly within the editor, using Box’s sharing modal permissions and settings.