A Custom Collection Portal Page
Business goal: The ability to share a visual customized page (like a web page) with various Box artifacts and other modules (described below) with peers, customers, team members, etc. Use cases:
- A project collaboration page
- Policies and procedures page
- Manuals and instruction page
- Product information site
- Business Development collaboration site
- Various
Major Feature
The ability to create a blank page and drop multiple "favorites" on the page. In essence, it is similar to sharing a "collection" of Box favorites, but a more visually appealing view. Other features of this custom portal page:
- Ability to filter the contents of the favorites added to the page
- Ability to add modules with varying use cases (box note, free html, header titles, navigation if sub pages exist, search bar, rich text, Slack channel, hyperlinks to other favorites, RSS feeds, etc.)
- Ability to share the page with customers, partners, team members
- Ability to drag and drop modules to different parts of page
- Tracking of hits to the page
1. Could be a true personal landing application for employees
2. Various