New Files take 10 minutes to appear in the search (Content Explorer)
It takes ~10 minutes for a newly added file to appear in the search of the Content Explorer UI Element. In the meantime, if you attempt to search for that file based on the name, it displays no results, making it look like a bug. It can take even longer if the servers are busy (it took ~20 minutes for a file I uploaded to appear in a search one time)
Please look for ways to reduce the turnaround on this. A suggestion: the file should be available to search by name right away, if it takes ~10 minutes to search by the content, so be it but the name should be instantaneous.

Thomas B commented
Agreed! I don't recall encountering this issue when I used Google Drive on a daily basis. It's also not an issue that's encountered when using the OS's local file system. I mention the local file system because it's the de facto location our users utilize and is competitor of sorts for Box adoption in our organization.