I want to name or add descriptions to the different versions of a file
I have some documents with hundreds of versions. Right now, though, the only versions I would ever refer to are those uploaded in the past few weeks, when I remember the changes made and have context for why the file was updated. Looking back on new versions a year ago, I have no way of knowing what changes were made, what versions were major changes and what were marginal. The ability to preview prior versions is nice, but without the ability to review changes to the text, I would spend hours trying to understand what was different about a prior version. The solution: let me name versions! Instead of having version 22 and version 144, let me have "Updated Naming Conventions" and "Removed Reference to Third Party." If not a name, let me add a description to a prior version. As more people use online editors (which spam versions) this is going to be a bigger and bigger challenge.