Copy file from relay should version the target, not create a new file
We have a release workflow, where documents are being copied to a shared environment after they have been approved. This works well for the first version of the document.
However, if we change the document and send it through the approval process again, Box creates a new document at the target area. Box does NOT create a new version of the existing document.
Since this process is really key to creating "Quality Managed" documentation, Box relay should offer to version an existing document. Defaulting to creating a new document, makes Box unusable for these kind of approvals.

Anonymous commented
We use shared Box directories to distribute documentation to partners. The Copy workflow allows a new file to be copied to various shared directories upon upload to its internal "home" directory. But these documents often need to be revised. When I upload a revised edit of the document to the same home location, thus creating a new Version, the Copy workflow doesn't work -- the document is not distributed to the shared destination folders where it should replace the previous version. Please fix this asap!
Anonymous commented
I fully agree from a quality management point of view. It's a key feature for publishing a final version of a document to the public audience / directory of QMS. I was very badly surprised about this limitation and I have no idea how to overcome this. Usually, a PDF rendition (unchangeable file format) would be great to have but, it should be provided the function in relay to switch between versioning an existing file or creating a new file. In my opinion not a good sign that this very valid request has remained unanswered for over a year now. This function is needed for change control in a QMS used in a regulated environment. Would you mind to provide at least an alternative solution? At the moment this force me to do manual actions which means that the benefit of relay is very small.