New / Folder Modal Window on Web App - Fields Lose Focus
I'm a creature of habit and don't like change, so there are plenty of grumblings I could make about the new UI.
That being said, there's one thing that absolutely gets my goat, and I'm told that this is "expected behavior" in the new web UI.
When I click the upper right "new" then "folder" and the "lightbox" modal window appears to add information about my new folder, the old UI would focus the cursor in the naming field allowing me to just start typing.
In the new UI, this window loses focus after a short load of some small asset (I can see the status bar updating for a flash), after which, the window loses focus. The old interface did not do this. I could simply click New then Folder, then start typing my folder name. Now, I must first click on the field to regain focus before typing my folder name.
I realize I'm complaining about one mouse click, but old habits die hard. I really hate the new UI because of this new hassle.
(First world problem rant over.)

David A commented
Yup, agree. Gets me every time. I "expect" the focus to be there and I just start typing the new folder's name, only to look up and see nothing has been entered. Interestingly (or annoyingly), if I watch Box in action when it creates the new folder, for a BRIEF SECOND, there's a cursor flashing in the New Folder name box. But then it disappears.
(In MS Windows, we're all used to be able to rename a new folder immediately, without having to click on that folder). Thank you.