Copy file in workflow should create a new version if file already exists
I am creating Quality Management workflows. At the end of the workflow the released document is copied to a new area, that is shared with the consumers of the QM-documentation.
Works fine the first time we run the workflows. If we update the document and run the workflow again, the target file is not versioned: we get a new file with the same name and a timestamp added to it.
I appreciate this behaviour in some situations and understand why you have chosen this solution. However we would like to have the option in the workflow to "version the file, if the target exists".

Kendra Verus commented
We would love this option. We update templates frequently. They need to go through a series of approvals before publishing and the unpublished version can't be available for use until it is approved. Creating a separate file kills all existing workflows established on the original file. In addition, you lose all previous versions and comments from the original file.