Moving shared folders should be simple and not involve changing ownership
Many people in my organization share folders with me. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM ends up in my top-level directory. But some should be in one folder and some in another. I should be able to move any shared folder, even ones I am not a collaborator on, to ANY place in my directory structure without changing the physical storage space and without worrying about ownership. Why should the sharer have a right to clutter up my top-level directory with so many folders? It's pages and pages of stuff on the web interface. Since the real data is physically stored in a redundant, distributed file system, there is already a system that locates all the parts and copies of parts that exist to make this "folder" and all its "files." There is already a system that tracks and tags which accounts the folder has to "appear" in. It should be child's play to let that appearance be manipulated by the receiver without needing ownership. The sharer's experience and control of the data would not change if you let me put that folder in a subfolder called "Shared Items." They would literally not even know. I can't believe this is not a feature as of the moment you deployed.