Recommend an automated, timed backup onto a secure Duke folder for ToolKit folders/files to improve deleted file recovery options fora team
Recommend an automated, timed backup onto a secure Duke folder for ToolKit folders/files to improve deleted file recovery options for a team. Now it appears that recovery of files that were deleted in a shared Duke Box Toolkit folder can only be recovered by the individual that deleted the file (not the co-owner or admin without the assistance of the individual that performed the deletion). For critical files this is a security risk to just store the files on the Box Drive because it severely limits identifying and recovering deleted files. The individual that deletes the file could do it accidentally or purposefully and others (e.g., Toolkit co-owners) may not know or have the capability to recovery the files. Furthermore, if the individual that deleted the file were still at Duke and corporative, we may be past the window for file recovery. Having a more secure back-up to recover critical deleted files would be beneficial.