Smart Access Behavior/スマートアクセスの挙動について
Smart Access Behavior
[Restrict managed users] > [Restrict all users except owner/co-owner] is selected, editors and viewers will not be able to move and copy operations.
Restrict managed users > Restrict all users except owner/co-owner and editors is selected, you will not be able to copy the viewer.
When using the above Box classification and Shield features (access policy), the settings will be applied to files but not to folders, even if they are set.
When a user with editor privileges copies a folder, all copies are made.
I can copy and move folders, but I can't download the files contained in them.
However, if a folder can be copied or moved, even if it is only previewed, I am concerned that confidential information may be leaked to the outside world.
(In Japanese)
[管理対象ユーザーを制限する] > [所有者/共同所有者を除くすべてのユーザーを制限する] が選択されている場合は、編集者とビューアーの移動およびコピー操作ができなくなります。
[管理対象ユーザーを制限する] > [所有者/共同所有者と編集者を除くすべてのユーザーを制限する] が選択されている場合は、ビューアーのコピー操作ができなくなります。