[Box for Salesforce]Please be more specific about the error.
When creating a folder on Box from Box for Salesforce, an error may occur.
However, due to the following error content, it is not possible to determine what caused the error.
【Text currently displayed as an error】
Sorry, there was an issue with processing this request.
Unable tp create a box folder for this record:
Unable to create folder for record id a0B2xAMOxEAK
- Details : Folder object returned from Box was null.
Can not proceed.
Please be more specific about the error.
e.g. "Contains characters that are not available in the Box".
Box for SalesforceからBox上にフォルダを作成する際、エラーが発生することがあります。
Sorry, there was an issue with processing this request.
Unable tp create a box folder for this record:
Unable to create folder for record id a0B2xAMOxEAK
- Details : Folder object returned from Box was null.
Can not proceed.
例)Boxで利用できない文字が含まれています 等